Segova Puertas

Sobre Nosotros

segova portes i automatismes

Quienes somos

Respirem Portes

Som Segova, una empresa líder al sector de portes i automatismes amb seu a Catalunya. Fundada per Sergio González Vallejo, ens hem dedicat a oferir solucions integrals a portes i sistemes de seguretat des del 2013. El nostre compromís amb la qualitat i la seguretat ens ha convertit en l’elecció preferida per a comunitats, administradors de finques, empreses i particulars.

Manteniment de Portes

Instal·lació i Reparació de Portes i Persianes

Serveis de Restauració, Neteja i Pintura

Solucions Avançades en Automatismes

Distribuïdor Collbaix

Servei a tot el Bages

Els nostres serveis

Servei, Professionalitat, Garanties i Qualitat.

La nostra Missió

La nostra missió és proporcionar solucions de portes i automatismes que no només compleixin les expectatives dels nostres clients sinó que les superin. Ens esforcem per oferir productes i serveis de la més alta qualitat, recolzats pel nostre equip de professionals altament capacitats.

Qualitat Garantida

Atenció 24/7


“Des que fan el manteniment de la porta de garatge de la meva comunitat no em preocupo per res.


Our happy customers

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Ana Stone (Google CEO)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Eric Jones (Apple CFO)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Adam Mitchel (Scientist)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Kate Evans (Designer)

Segova Puertas


Oferim portes de confiança, dissenyades per a la teva seguretat. Amb nosaltres, obtens més que una porta: obtens seguretat que se sent i es viu cada dia.




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